The clown garbage dump and its ice cream


Hand painted canvas in acrylic colors and protected with gloss varnish.
Size (cm): 60 x 40.
It depicts the face of a clown with a background of ice cream in space. Bright warm red colors without dominant tones. Symmetrical composition. Contrast focus with natural light effect.
Painting style: Latin surrealism.

SKU: N/A Category:


This is a surrealist work that represents the traditional Salcedo ice creams and the clown-shaped garbage dumps in the businesses of this city. Apart from the traditional ice creams of different fruit flavors, other flavors are also sold, such as chewing gum, in turquoise, or rum with raisins, in yellow. Although only 3 flavors are represented, there are very extravagant flavors such as avocado, alfalfa or lemon with salt. Date created: Sat, 01 Feb 2020 00:00:00 GMT

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Canvas, A4, A3, A2, Postal